Viewing Only

Unable to make it?

Whether you live abroad, live too far away for an initial viewing or are strapped for time and need to shortlist your property options, Buyers Edge offer a helpful ‘viewing only’ service.

All industries have been encouraged to do as much as possible remotely for environmental reasons in recent years, but the catalyst to do even more from home is the COVID-19 pandemic. Estate agents have reacted to this with some really useful tools which allow you to virtually view the property, but they work for the seller. So, whilst these virtual viewings are very helpful, they are engineered to sell the property and sometimes do not show the full picture.

Whatever your reason, Buyers Edge offer a viewing only service which seeks to appeal to a buyer. The service includes a video call and a walk around of the house, paying attention to any areas you specifically would like to see. If you are not familiar with the area, an exterior walk round and approach to the property can also be shown (something the agents don’t do).

What's Included?

  • Video walk around
  • Surrounding area and property approach
  • You direct the call at any stage
  • Buyers Edge view for you as a buyer with no conflict of interest
  • Identify any obvious visible issues


Viewing Only £150

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Experts in Property

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Competitive pricing

Only for the buyer

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